Gift Day

churchrollingSaturday 5th April is our annual Gift Day. Come and see us  and find out what varied events take place at your local church
Information regarding Weddings, Baptisms, Funerals, Edward Bear, Messy Church, Sunday school, Support in Loss Group, Choir, Handbells, Luncheon Club, Lovelight Romania, Whizz Kids, Youth Group, Lift ladies Group, Solo Lunch Group, Art club and Flower arrangers etc will be available.

Complimentary tea, coffee and cakes

We will also be launching our new prayer wall. If you would like to be prayed for please come and folks will be available to listen to you and then pray for you, or you can leave a prayer request on our new wall.
There will be an opportunity to make a donation to the work of St. Mary’s.  It costs approximately £1500 per week to run St. Mary’s church.